Sunday, January 23, 2011

Clearing Cedars

Our schedules finally worked out to where my friend Kent could bring his tractor out to test how hard it would be to pull down cedars in the moist soil.

I have to report that I'm ruined for doing any clearing manually any more. The tractor worked spectacularlly. We were pulling 20-30ft cedars and large stumps with ease.

From Drop Box

In a matter of 2-3 hours, we were able to clear more than I was able to do in a couple weeks with my chainsaw and burn method. Plus the kicker..none of the hated stumps left behind.

From Drop Box

My job was to be the chain man. I'd pick the trees to pull and wrap 'em up and Kent would yank them.

From Drop Box

Now the big decision will be whether to rent a Cat and just clear everything in a day or two, or use a tractor and do it by chain. I think I'm going to go the Cat route if I can find a good deal.

From Drop Box

Trail cam results for 1/15/11-1/22/11

This week I placed the trail cam facing directly North into the clearing where the salt lick is and where the tree stand looks into. For some reason, it looks like Sunday the 16th was a busy day. There are three separate photo groups from that day and one from Thursday (which is inconclusive)
From 2011-01-22

From 2011-01-22

From 2011-01-22

From 2011-01-22

For the current week, I've keep the trailcam in the same clearing but moved it to a main trail leading in.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Trail cam results for 1/9/11-1/15/11

The cam was positioned on the trail that branches northeast from the tree stand, looking back towards the perimeter trail. It looks like 3-4 deer passed through around 9am on 1/9

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

The next location is the clearing I cut directly north of the treestand. Looking forward to what it shows.