Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Enjoying the heat wave

We decided a good way to spend a hot July Saturday was to burn off some of the burn piles we've been accumulating. Actually, I can think of a lot of other things I'd rather do. Unfortunately, we had to get it done before we could move forward with more tree clearing.
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The goats have been doing a good job clearing as well. On the right of the trail is the area they completely ate down, and on the left an untouched area. As you can see, there is quite a difference. I just wish they could eat cedar trees. I still have to go in and clear those with a chainsaw or the bulldozer.

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We've been experimenting with temporary goat shelters and have come up with this, our latest design. Sethie came up with a good idea of bending the wire fence panel between the trees, to use the trees for anchors. So far, it looks like it will work well. Now we just need to figure out how to make a shelter for Sadie the donkey. The goat shelters are just too short.

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The goats enjoyed relaxing in the shade while we setup the fence and the shelters in their new area. It brings to mind the questions, who owns who?

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reclaiming the land

As we start clearing the overgrown cedar thickets and letting the goats clear the understory, the ground is getting the first sunlight it’s seen in 30 years. The plan is to clear the old corral to the point where we can plant grass. I’m hoping this will help supplement the goats diet over the winter as well as organizing and beautifying it.

We've spent the last couple of weeks knocking down trees, sorting them, and burning the leftovers.
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I found this interesting spot last week while cutting down some cedars in the old corral.
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Lot's of mushrooms growing out of Sadie's deposits. What better way could there be to fertilize these dead spots.
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