Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hay for Winter

Now that we know what a winter feeding is like, we've started stocking up on hay.  My friend Steve hooked me up on a good deal for hay, two dollars a bale for a second cutting.  You can't beat that.

Last year, the Midwest drought caused prices to really jump out here.  Suddenly it was affordable to haul hay from Tennessee to Texas, so a lot of guys put their fields under contract to farms in Texas and are selling their whole crop to them.

 That's good for Texas but not so good for us.  Anyway, here we are, stockpiling hay for the winter.

From 2012-08-20

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Digging Fence Post Holes

Sammy and I decided our project for Saturday would be digging fence post holes.  We looked so stylish that we wanted to take a shot together, to show off our cool work clothes.

From 2012-07-24

It'd be nice to have a tractor to do this some day, but for now, it's just a breaker bar and a post hole digger.

Our strategy is to walk the fence line and look for weak spots, then put a post there.  It's similar to putting springs on a trampoline.  Just keep going around the circle, filling in the gaps, until it's done.

When a weak spot is found, we try to make sure it's about 10 paces from another post on either side.  Unfortunately, sometimes there's a big rock sitting right where the post needs to go.

In that case, we try to move a couple feet to either side.  In the case of fence post below, it was rock the entire length of the section.

From 2012-07-24

This particular post was tough.  As you can see from the hole, it's rock all the way down.  It's very tiring to dig because you have to keep slamming it over and over with the breaker bar, which weighs about 45-50 pounds.

From 2012-07-24
The upside is that it makes an unmovable post once the cement dries.

From 2012-07-24
The animals love when we come down to work on the fence.  They are so curious and I think they really like the change of pace, having something interesting to watch.

Below, you can see Gracie trying to eat the quad.  I guess it's true that goats will eat anything, or at least try.

From 2012-07-24

Our other project for Saturday was to work on the barn clearing.  Since Sammy couldn't really help at this point, she documented the knocking down of a cedar.
From 2012-07-24
Uprooted and ready to process.
From 2012-07-24