Monday, March 18, 2013

New Donkey

Ever since all our goats got wiped out by a pack of feral dogs, poor Sadie, our guard donkey, has been very lonely.  I was starting to get worried about her so I jumped at deal I found on craiglist, to get her a buddy.

Sethie and I went out to Murphressboro on a cold winter morning to pick her up.  She was pretty wily and didn't want to leave her home

From 2013-03-12

After a few false starts, we were finally able to coax, push, bribe, and drag her into the trailer.

From 2013-03-12

It was a really rough ride from Murphreesboro to the prop and the poor donkey got pretty shook up.  One of tires on the trailer was bad and it caused it to bounce around all over the place.

Here Sethie is, getting ready to turn her loose.

From 2013-03-12

All systems are go.  Get ready to open the gates!
From 2013-03-12

And here she is.  I want to name her Honey Boo Boo, but Suz and Sammy are pushing for Coco.  I'm thinking whoever feeds and takes care of her the most should get naming rights.  Hello Honey Boo Boo.

From 2013-03-12
She was a little disoriented at first, after the bumpy ride.
From 2013-03-12

Sadie was kind of skeptical about the whole thing and got very aggressive when food was involved.  After a week together they seem to be getting along a lot better though.

From 2013-03-12

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Finally, a burn pile

Despite the almost non-stop rain throughout December and January and now February, I managed to get a couple burn piles going.  Winter is such a perfect time for a bonfire.  I hadn't done one for several months and was surprised at how much I missed the smell and the satisfaction of cleaning up and making things look nicer.

From 2013-01-31

Last Saturday was the first full Saturday I've been able to spend at the prop in quite a while.  I made sure to take full advantage and worked all day on a field I've been wanting clear for a long time.  I had the presence of mind this time to take a good "before" picture, to show how much I as able to get done.  Note the two cedars in right foreground as a reference point.

From 2013-03-12

After a lot of cutting and dragging, I was able to get the bulldozer in and really get things going.  To give an idea of how hot the fire got, after two days and huge several hour rainstorm, I came back Tuesday and found  several spots still smoldering and burning.  Good thing I had a large firebreak all around it.

From 2013-03-12
The next step will be to clean up the rest, level it, disc it, and plant some kind of seed that deer would love to eat.  This will make and awesome hunting plot and will look beautiful as well.