Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Clearing the cabin area

The weather was pretty bad this weekend, so I had to hustle to get an abbreviated work session in down at the property on Saturday. I barely made it to noon, when the rain really started coming down.

With such a short amount of time, it was tough to figure out what to work on, so I ended up doing what I always do when time is short...cut down trees.

The picture below shows three of my most important tools. A quad, a chain saw and a big gas can.
From Drop Box

I've decided a good place to start clearing is over by the cabin. Partly because it's mostly filled with smaller saplings, which are much easier to clear and partly because I'm thinking that this is some of the best land, since that's where the old timers settled. If anyone knew the lay of the land, it would've been them.

It's tough to take a picture that shows depth when clearing things out, but this one kind of gives an idea of how the thinning is going.
From Drop Box

I have a new land clearing technique that I'm experimenting with. I hook the bushhog up to quad and start driving through the woods.

I dodge the big trees and if any small (5-6" or less) ones get in the way, I cut them down and let the bushhog chop up anything left behind. It seems to work well, although the path gets pretty serpentine. It doesn't address the problem of really big trees, but it works great for thinning things out.

From Drop Box

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pulling stumps

A friend of mine told about a great new tool for pulling stumps. It's a scissor grip with teeth that bite deeply into the stump when it gets pulled tight. The picture below shows Seth holding it up.

Since I don't have a tractor yet, we used a Honda Foreman quad to do the heavy work. The weight wasn't heavy enough to just power through, so we had to use the "flying start" method.

We would do this by tightening the chain to make sure it was tightly set, then back up a little bit and goose the throttle. This would be good enough to yank the smaller stuff, but the bigger stumps would take several tries. Once we got the hang of it, we could get 4" stumps with only a few pulls.

Toward the end of the day, we started experimenting with pulling small trees. It worked great. We ran out time before we could try any bigger ones, but am looking forward to see what we can do against the oceans of 3-4 " cedars that need to be cleared.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Moved Water Tank

My original plan for locating the water tank didn't work out so well. Even though I'd made a lid for it, some critter kept pushing it off to the side just enough for all the woodland creatures to get in.

Because of this, every time I'd come to check on things, I'd find another dead animal inside, drowned because it couldn't get out. The last straw was when I opened the lid and saw two drowned squirrels at the bottom.

To fix the problem, I left the lid off and decided to move it behind the goat shed so it would catch the runoff from the roof. I'm planning on putting a rain gutter in there at some point to funnel it all in. I also put a log in there, so any trapped critters can get out. Sawyer is my model, showing how a trapped squirrel would get out.

Friday, August 27, 2010

WSJ article on rasing goats

Rent-a-goat.com and Others Bring in Herds to Trim the Yard, Get Rid of Weeds

Recently, the patch of weeds behind Steve Holdaway's Chapel Hill, N.C., home grew so unkempt that he hired
outside help. For six hours, the crew's members tackled tall grass and thorny blackberry plants and toiled
without a break—other than to chew their cud, that is.
His workers: seven hungry—and carbon-emission-free—goats.
As more homeowners, businesses and towns seek to
maintain land with fewer chemicals or fossil -fuel-powered
machinery, a growing number are trying goats to get rid of
unwanted vegetation. Internet rivals Google Inc. and Yahoo
Inc. hired herds to clear around their Northern California
headquarters this year. So did the Vanderbilt Mansion, a
national historic site in Hyde Park, N.Y. And this April,
nannies and billies were deployed at the U.S. Naval Base
Kitsap Bangor in Silverdale, Wash., to annihilate pesky
scotch broom plants.
While predators, poisonous plants and peeved neighbors can
test goats on the job, the small livestock are well-suited for
such labors.
Easy to manage, they relish prickly brush and weeds and
their agility makes them "popular employees" for navigating steep slopes that can thwart humans and
machines, says Brian Faris, president of the American Boer Goat Association in San Angelo, Texas.
It cost 55 -year-old Mr. Holdaway $200 to clear a 1,700- square foot swath on his land with goats, pricier than
the weed-whacking he's been doing himself for a decade with a gas -powered trimmer. "But like many organic
practices, you are going to have to pay a premium sometimes," Mr. Holdaway says.
Livestock owners and towns plagued with brush fires or invasive species like kudzu have rendered goats'
services for years. Now new interest among the eco-conscious is giving rise to a cottage industry of rental
operations —since unlike lawn mowers, you can't just buy a goat and park it in the shed come wintertime.
Some owners say business is so good, they're angling to license and expand with sheep, which do particularly
well trimming grass.

In Vernonia, Ore., Lewis Cochran started Vegetation Management Services Inc. with his dad in March after
he lost his truck- driving job. He studied goat management online and is now the boss of nearly 50 critters,
charging between $6 and $10 a head per day.
Back East, 22-year-old entrepreneur Matthew Richmond teamed up in June with a retired livestock owner he
found on Craigslist to launch rent-a-goat.com in Chapel Hill. "It's more of an upper-middle- class fad that we
are seeing," Mr. Richmond says.
Generally, companies truck goats to work sites (some gas
required) where the animals munch inside portable fencing
or electric netting, often powered by solar panels. Prices can
range from $200 a day for a dozen goats to upward of
$1,000 for larger herds of 100 or more. On bigger projects,
animals may stay overnight supervised by the business
owners or specially trained guardian dogs.
At Vanderbilt Mansion, where a small herd currently grazes
on seven hilly acres, the job's $9,000 annual price tag is
about two-thirds what hired manpower would run, says
Dave Hayes, the estate's natural- resource program manager.
"And the goats are a lot more popular."
They're also gentle. Casey Brewer of Duvall, Wash., hired The Goat Lady LLC to clear half an acre overrun
with salmonberries. The tally came to just over $1,000 for three days, and Ms. Brewer says the goats didn't
harm her cherished old-growth cedar stumps.
"It's a wonderful alternative to bulldozing the property," she says.
There can be snafus. Josh Farmer, 49, runs The Goat Lady with his partner Jill Johnson, an eighth-grade
schoolteacher. While electric netting and an Anatolian shepherd dog protect their goats from predators or
household dogs, neighborhood children pose a unique threat. "There are those who think it's fun to unplug
my electric fence just when it gets dark, letting goats escape," Mr. Farmer says.
And some plants are toxic to goats including ornamentals such as azaleas, oleanders and rhododendrons.
Lois Anne Keith paid about $14,000 to bring in 130 goats from Rent-A- Ruminant LLC for several weeks of
clearing around her 25 -acre Woodinville, Wash., property. The experience went smoothly, except one
evening when four goats got sick munching old rhododendron stumps because they were hidden by
blackberries. Fortunately the owner, Tammy Dunakin, was sleeping on site in a truck and had medicine to
give the goats.
"It's not a simple line of work," says Ms. Dunakin, who expects to gross just over $100,000 this year, her
sixth in the business, and is developing an "affiliate" model to train others in goat brush-clearing. From
setting up fencing to giving goats shots, water and mineral supplements, she says, "there are a lot of mistakes
people can make."
Town and city rules about livestock vary. Often animals can't be raised on property not zoned for agriculture
use—but are allowed to visit. In 2004, some residents of the Pacific Palisades, Calif., enclave Marquez Knolls
complained, unsuccessfully, to city officials when a resident temporarily parked a trailer with her brush-clearing goats on the street. At night, coyotes circled the truck, recalls Haldis Toppel, president of the
neighborhood association. "This is a residential area with dogs, cats and kids and there is a safety factor," she
And then there's the poop factor. Some research shows
reduced viability of weed seeds ingested and passed by goats
in tiny pellets. Owners say some cities have waste
requirements. Chattanooga, Tenn., requires property owners
"remove and dispose of droppings" as needed to avoid
health or sanitation problems.
Still, for many homeowners, goats are worth the cost and
occasional mishap. Pamela and Dennis Holst banded
together with neighbors last summer to clear a dense patch
of brush, including poison oak, around their Santa Barbara,
Calif., homes. The couple, whose house burned in 1990 from
a brush fire, paid $495 to Brush Goats 4 Hire for their one-
third- acre share. Despite a goat getting loose one night, Ms.
Holst, who has watched her husband "slip -and- slide down
the hillside" with a weed-whacker and herbicide, declares
the animals "well worth the expense." (The owners came and
retrieved the fugitive goat.)
For his part, Mr. Holdaway of Chapel Hill says the goats did
a fine job on his property, and that the neighbors "were
amused." Still, given the tall grass in his yard, the goat
company returned with a scythe to neaten up. "What you
end up with is not a lawn-cut look," Mr. Holdaway says. "It's
a munched look."
Write to Gwendolyn Bounds at wendy.bounds@wsj.com
Journal Community DISCUSS
I saw this the other day in
downtown L.A. I thought I
was still hallucinating from
lack of sleep.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Identifying TN trees

One of my projects has been to start learning how to identify trees on the property. I found a great resource online at the UT extension which has helped me tremendously. After printing it out, I took it into the field and started trying to make sense of the jungle of trees out there.

So far, it looks like I have a lot of Cedar, Hickory, and Oak. The weird thing is that when you start looking closely, the pattern of trees starts making a lot more sense. There's some rhyme to the reason, so to speak.

I knew there were a few Shagbark Hickories out there, but I had no idea how many there were. On the western slope, which is well drained, there's more hickories than cedars, which was a nice surprise. I'm hoping to get into the swampy area soon and see what kind of trees I find there.

Now that I have those three trees down, I plan on looking for some of the more exotic species. I think the next think I'd like to track down is a Sassafrass.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Goat Shed

We're getting closer and closer to getting goats. It's starting to get scary now that we're going to have to make the decision to actually do it.

I got a few minutes this weekend, between football and lightning storms to put the roof on the goat shed. I've tried to stay as true as possible to the concept of using existing material on the property to build. Of course, there are times to be pragmatic and just buy a couple $2 2x4's instead of trying to find a cedar that I could have milled into 10 foot beam.

The roof is made of tin that I salvaged from the collapsed house on the property. I have no idea how old it is, but I would guess 50 years? However old it is, it should be in good enough shape for goats.

I'm almost done. The final step is to put some sides on it. I plan on just using cedar fence slats to wall in 3 sides and to just leave the front open. Once I put some hay in it, it will look just like a manger.

Blewit mushrooms

As part of my mushroom experiment, I've also planted Blewit mushrooms. I'm expecting these to be more like the typical mushroom, with a cap and stem. These are mixed in with oak sawdust and compost, then put in a shaded area.

The picture below shows my interpretation of the instructions. I first layed down a layer of cardboard as a barrier against any mushrooms that might be native. We don't want to get them mixed up. The instruction also said to build a border with oak, but I used cedar instead. I know that cedar has anti fungal properties, but I'm hoping that's just in the wood itself and not the vicinity. Also, I'm hoping it keeps native species of mushrooms out.

I then covered the Blewit sawdust with oak chips from my chipper. This is where I had to interpret the instructions which said to put down sawdust. I'm hoping chips are close enough since I don't have any dust.

I also didn't have enough spawn to do the multiple layers, so I just tried it with one. I wanted to add more pictures of the finished product, but it got too dark and it was raining, so I had to wrap things up. I'll update as things progress.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Protecting goats from predators

One of the things I thought would be good for getting ready to live off the land would be to get a goat herd. My primary need for the goats is have them clear out all the undergrowth that has taken over the property of the last 30 years. My secondary thought was that it would be good to know how to manage livestock if the end ever came. Here's a great line from "Cold Mountain" that sums up my thoughts on the matter nicely.

Maddy: [while petting one of her goats] I've learned a person can pretty much survive off of a goat. A goat gives you company, and milk, and cheese... and when you need it, good meat.
[slaughters the goat]

Unfortunately, lots of critters think goats are a tasty treat. Since I won't be out there to watch them 24x7, I thought I'd go the route of training some Great Pyrenees to guard them. Here's a link to a good website that describes what good goat guard dogs they are.

I'll keep you updated as things progress.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Obtaining mushroom spawn

It would seem that mushroom spawn is pretty tough. Here's a conversation I had with the mushroom mountain on innoculating my first batch of logs

To: traddcotter@mushroommountain.com
Subject: RE: Order Shipped


I did get the order. Thanks for taking care of it and getting things corrected. I have a few questions though.

1. When the order arrived, we were out of town for the day and the mailman left it on the front porch in the sun. As soon as we got home, I stuck it in the fridge and noticed the keep away from heat message on the box. Do you think the spawn was able to survive sitting in the afternoon sun?

Absolutely, should be fine. I just don’t want mailmen to leave it in metal mailboxes to “cook” in broad daylight.

2. I took everything out of the fridge Friday night and let it go to room temp all night. I put the oyster plugs in some fresh cut oaks Saturday morning but ran out of time before I could get to the blewit. Not knowing what to do, I stuck them back in the fridge. Do you think they'll still be ok to layout in some sawdust this Saturday?

You can open/close the spawn as long as you refrigerate it. Great move! No problem, just use it as you need it over the next few weeks. Just roll it up tight and refrigerate between uses. Good luck and thank you again, Tradd

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mushroom Farm - the Beginning

One of my projects is experimenting with mushroom farming. It hasn't been easy. The first thing people say when I mention it is "Ohh, mushrooms...aren't those illegal?"

No, believe it or not, some people actually eat them. Not only are they tasty, but it's fascinating how they are grown. Some spawn are grown in sawdust or manure piles, and others are implanted in trees.

I tried doing both. The picture below shows my tree implanting production line.

The first step is to find some oak trees. Luckily we have a stand of them on the northern rim of the property and I was able to find a couple nice ones to cut.

Next I cut them into 3 foot lengths and drilled holes all over to tap the plugs into. If you look closely at the logs in the picture, you can see the little plugs sticking out all over.

Once the plugs are tapped in, they need to be sealed with wax, which is what the stove on the back of the quad is for. That's my wax boiling away.

After they're all sealed, I just lean them against the goat fence in a shady area and wait for nature to take it's course. Hopefully, they'll be covered in mushrooms soon.

Friday, August 13, 2010

First post

We've had a great interest in off-grid living lately, so we thought we'd start a blog to help keep track of what we've found and pass that info on to anyone else who might be interested.

First off, a little background. A little over a year ago, we bought 66 acres of forest near Chapel Hill, TN. This area appears to have been a working farm in the past and still has remnants of 'slave' walls, an old house, and old stand pipe well, and a shed we still use for storage. It's very rough and over grown, which provides a great blank canvas for starting from scratch.

The off-grid idea was always percolating in the background, but with all the events going on in the world and the way things are going in our country, we've felt an added sense of urgency.

Here are the primary things we're concerned with getting in place.

1. Goats
2. Long term propane storage to run a generator
3. Experimenting with solar
4. Getting a well drilled that can run off solar pumps
5. Clearing trees and building split rail fences.