Thursday, August 19, 2010

Protecting goats from predators

One of the things I thought would be good for getting ready to live off the land would be to get a goat herd. My primary need for the goats is have them clear out all the undergrowth that has taken over the property of the last 30 years. My secondary thought was that it would be good to know how to manage livestock if the end ever came. Here's a great line from "Cold Mountain" that sums up my thoughts on the matter nicely.

Maddy: [while petting one of her goats] I've learned a person can pretty much survive off of a goat. A goat gives you company, and milk, and cheese... and when you need it, good meat.
[slaughters the goat]

Unfortunately, lots of critters think goats are a tasty treat. Since I won't be out there to watch them 24x7, I thought I'd go the route of training some Great Pyrenees to guard them. Here's a link to a good website that describes what good goat guard dogs they are.

I'll keep you updated as things progress.

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