Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Great Fall Weather

We continued to take advantage of the beautiful fall weather to clean up and build roads. This week we were lucky to have Sammy finally join us after a long absence. The first of the two big projects was to move the old fireplace that was left over from the blown down cabin. The problem was that it was in the middle of the area I'm trying clear for a barn and was becoming a pain to work around. The rock was very nicely shaped, and it seemed a shame to bury it, so we decided to stack it by hand, out of the way, to save for some future use. We worked hard and got most of it stacked in about an hour. However, I think we'll be turning up rocks for months to come.
From 2011-11-21
Part of Sammy's job was to be the documentarian as we worked. She has a real talent for photography and took these nice pictures of the goats. The first one is of Little Momma giving us one of her looks. She's very smart but standoffish and only comes around when there's food. We like to joke that it's lucky she has brains, because she definitely wasn't blessed with looks.
From 2011-11-21
Gracie is the social one. Here she is, sticking her head through the fence, fighting to get some corn. She is a fun little goat and will follow us anywhere. She is very curious is always coming up to see whats going on.
From 2011-11-21
We also did a lot of work getting the new field cleared so we could start putting the road in. The idea is to create a big loop, so that we can pull a trailer straight through and not have to back it in. We've been taking it slow, to get a chance to see how the water drains during big storms, to see how it looks in different seasons, and to just get a general idea of how to lay things out.
From 2011-11-21
After much thought I finally took the bulldozer to it and laid out where we want the road to go. So far, I like it. Once things dry out, we'll try pulling the trailer through it and see how it does. The next step will be to dig a deep hole for the septic system I'm noodling.

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