Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Slowdown

Things always seem to slow down in the summer. Between campouts, holidays, and the heat, it's been tough to get any major projects done.

Currently, I'm still working on clearing space for a barn, which is never ending. The basic layout is in place, but it needs to be squared up and leveled off more.

From 2012-06-12
It's also looking pretty rough because all the knockdowns are still scattered like jackstraws around the perimeter.

I'm probably going to need at least a full day of slashing and burning to get rid of the current stuff. Last night I did a quick chainsaw session and de-stumped a couple trees I had pushed over with the dozer on Saturday before it broke down.

I also cut down a few big trees that the dozer wasn't big enough to knock over. Here's a before shot.
From 2012-06-12
and here is after.
From 2012-06-12
I hope the difference is noticeable because it's going to take a lot of manual labor to clean up the mess.

I was also happy to see that some salad is starting to grow in the winter corral. I've ordered a harrow designed for pulling behind a quad that should help speed up this endeavor up a bit. 

I can't wait to try it out.  It'll also be good for growing some deer plots on the back forty.

The harrow looked great on the web. I hope it's half as good in real life. Here's what the winter corral is currently looking like.

From 2012-06-12
I have a county agent coming out Thursday morning, to inspect the operation and the goats, so that he can give us advice on how to start breeding them.

The market is really starting to pick up, so this might be a good opportunity for the kids to save up some college money. A dad can always dream can't he?

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