Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fixing the Old Shed

It's been a rainy, rainy month.  As such, the pond has been filling nicely.  It's current level, the result of a couple 1" rainstorms that have come through,  is the high water mark so far.

The pond has been handling the water but after the last big storm, I've notice a few leaks.   One is in the spot where the natural drainage used to be and the other is a low spot by a tree.  Although the leaks are small, I'll have to do some pondering on how to fix them.

As far as overflowing, It looks like it'd be able to handle a few more big storms before that happens.  The clay is doing a great job at holding the water from seeping into the ground.  We're getting a bit of it soaking back in but not near as bad as other ponds I've seen in the area.

From 2013-01-09

I decided to get the goats a new trough for their Xmas present.  I'm hoping the dividers will help them not fight so much when I bring their food.

From 2013-01-02

I had a free day over holidays and  wanted to use it to build things.  However, since everything was completely muddy, which makes it hard to build,  I decided to just patch the old shed instead.

I've been trying to figure out a good way to do it when it struck me to use some old fence panel leftovers.  Since the existing shed lumber is so rough, I didn't think it would hurt to patch it this way and it should blend in nicely after a year or two.

From 2013-01-02

I'm trying to prop up the peak of the roof as well as creating a nailer for the coverings with some old lumber leftovers.

Unfortunately the peak is off center, which shows the difficulty in trying to make a 50 year old, rough milled shed square.  It seems like I have to ask the question of whether it's better to build for strength or looks.  So far I've chosen strength.

It looks kind of screwy having it off center, but it'll be covered so I don't think anyone will notice.

From 2013-01-02

The patches aren't beautiful but I think it'll blend in better in the long run,  and since the original pieces are rough milled and put up in similar to what I did, I think better pieces of lumber might actually look out of place.

From 2013-01-02

One last shout out to Little Momma, who's no longer with us.  She was killed by what we think were dogs that got into the pen.  We'll miss her.

From March 11, 2012

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