Here's a pic of the old hickory that died, looking back across the old bee yard towards the winter pen. That stump is so dug in that I gave up trying to get it out. Instead, I put a mushroom log on top of it to see if the mushrooms will do the job for me.
From 2015-04-09 |
One of our projects this winter was to clean up the old graveyard. Here are some markers that are so old, they don't even have a name on them. They used to be so buried in undergrowth that initially we didn't even know they were there.
From 2015-04-09 |
Another perspective on the markers. In the foreground, on the right, you can see the remains of a fire we lit to burn of some of the cut wood. It's also good for keeping the weeds down. Nothing will grow on a fire spot for at least 2 years.
From 2015-04-09 |
I found this weird fluorescent mold growing on a tree back in the forest. At first I thought it was spray paint, but it was actually mold. It interesting all the oddities we find back in the primeval forest.
From 2015-04-09 |
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