Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Building Longer Fences

The new fence continues to grow longer.  It's been a tough slog though, due to solid rock along most of the fence line and working in 90+ degree weather.

From 2015-07-06

Most of time we get in about 3 posts before exhaustion sets in.  However, on Saturday we set a new record and got 5in .  Seth and I were pretty wiped out after that though.

From 2015-07-06

As I plot the course of the fence line, I've been trying to figure out how to get it to follow the terrain but still look level.

I played with using a level, but then you risk big gaps between the ground and the bottom row.  However, the ground isn't that level, so if you measure up from the ground you get a lot of variation as well.

There's probably a really good, easy technique for doing this, but so far, the best I've figured out is a hybrid approach.

I get  a rough measurement from the ground to the bottom row then level it but make adjustments for gaps between each row.  Then I eyeball it and if it looks good, I lock it in.

From 2015-07-06

I think it's worked pretty well so far.  I'll probably figure out the pros do it about the time I'm on the last section like usual.

From 2015-07-06

The new winter pen is also coming along well.  I've got the gate sections in and have been working on crossbars and wire supports.

It's kind of tedious so I haven't been moving as fast on this as I have on the front fence.

From 2015-07-06

We also had a nice summer storm last week that filled the pond as full as it's ever been.  All of that in one big storm.

From 2015-07-06

The bees have been enjoying the summer heat.  Here they are hanging out on the front porch, trying to cool off.

From 2015-07-06

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